Thursday, April 29, 2010

Facebook versus Twitter


Twitter has been in the news for sometime now, basically talking about what X celebrity 'tweeted' and the counter effect seen by other celebrities' 'tweets'. Given the recent developments, Twitter, I think has become a victim of disdain, outrage and curiosity. After all, it dared to raise doubts about India's greatest Okay, maybe not Twitter per se, but some people through it. 

I am not on Twitter, so I cannot understand why it has become such a popular means of attacking, counter attacking others; why news channels (English news channels to be specific), quote from Twitter; why 'tweeting' has become a social lingo; why it has usurped news to become the medium for dispersing information. 

Despite Facebook having more regular users than Twitter (the figures I read were FB being 20 times of Twitter!!), how come FB does not possess such powers? Prima facie, it (FB) is a social networking site and an entertainment medium through it's various Zynga games. However, it does offer a 'What is on your mind?' feature, allowing the user to share his/her thoughts/opinions/emotions. 

Many a times, I have used FB to communicate my views on various general/political/economical topics. I know many of my friends have done the same. Case in point is my stance against the 'Mumbai being Aamchi Mumbai' only in one language, Marathi. My status messages always reflect the same. (not everyday, but whenever the old information method, news, lets me know it is time!). 

I wonder whether I can send such strong messages through Twitter. I mean, on FB, I am within a selected group of people (never mind if it extends to 250+). But, I know, I am safe. Safe from vicious verbal attack, safe from having to enter into counter attack and then basically, thinking, why am I thinking, why am I tweeting!! 

Another thing, on FB, I share a lot of personal things through my status messages - quotable quotes from my son, my husband; my mood swings; my schedule........such mundane stuff at times, I am sure the lack of comments tell me, even my small group is not interested in it! The point is, I am not shy of writing and sharing. I don't need to think what someone would be thinking.......most times I do not even care whether they read it or not. 

Twitter says "What's happening?" amongst a group of unknowns. It signals to me, to share some 'happening' event/news/information. I am sure the many 'unknowns' reading it would not be interested in knowing about my family/me.......worst they might scorn me. They want to know about world at large, the larger issues of life.   The more 'happening', the better. From the more 'happening', the BEST!

For an ordinary user like me, FB works beautifully. With the great media hype, I think I am too small for Twitter. They say that there is safety in anonymity......I think there is safety in a closed group. There is also a comfort of remaining who I am. 

Here's to FB and it's powers to allow me to communicate as I am. 


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